How much do mechanized parking lots cost?

How much do mechanized parking lots cost?

Oct 31st, 2022

When mechanized parking is included in the house project, the question of the cost of mechanized parking remains important.

To deal with the question of the price of mechanized parking, we will analyze the parking equipment by type of equipment:

  1. Parking lift (also known as car lift, two-level car lift, three-level lift, pit parking lift, two-story parking, two-level parking, dependent parking system, car lift lift, dependent parking, compact parking lift, four-post lift, outdoor car lift , cantilever car lift, tilting parking lift, and so on). The price of a parking lift ranges from ±$1,600 to ±$7,500. The price depends on the complexity of the design of the lift and the configuration of the car lift. For example, a pit hoist or cantilever hoist costs at least $6,500 apiece due to the complexity of the design.

    parking lift

  2. Puzzle parking (also known as puzzle parking system, sliding parking, lift and slide parking system, automated parking system, puzzle module, multilevel parking and so on). The price for puzzle parking is indicated per parking space and ranges from $2,000 to $5,000 per parking space. Pricing depends on the capacity and number of storeys of the module, as well as on the manufacturer and climatic version. Usually these are 1-, 2-, 3-, 4-storey modules with up to 29 parking spaces.

  3. Pallet parking (also known as mechanized parking, automatic parking, tower parking system etc.). The price for pallet parking is formed based on the size and capacity of the parking lot, as well as the frame of the parking lot itself. The cost of these parking systems is calculated for each individual project in accordance with the features and requirements for the complete set. Please contact Mutrade to discuss the details of a specific project.

  4. Robotic parking (mechanical parking, automated parking, underground robotic parking, intellegent parking system, etc.). The cost of a parking space in a robotic parking lot is formed based on how much technological equipment per one parking space, as well as its capacity. The more technological equipment per 1 parking space, the higher the speed of issuing and parking cars. You also need to take into account the possibility of additional charging electric vehicles systems, etc., which can significantly increase the price. The cost of these parking systems is calculated for each individual project in accordance with the features and requirements for the complete set. Please contact Mutrade to discuss the details of a specific project.

  5. Rotary parking (rotor parking, carousel parking system, carousel parking, circular parking system, vertical rotating system). A fairly simple technology, the most compact automated systems, where the involvement of the driver of the car in the parking process. The cost depends on the carrying capacity, the number of parking spaces and equipment. The price for rotary parking is indicated per parking space and ranges from $4700 to $6500 per parking space.

Price data is for October 2022.


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